There you go folks, this is how you can hide iPhone dock with the help of wallpapers. You can find more color options on Hayeseed website here. We have chosen the 10 dock hiding wallpapers that we liked. The dock hiding trick wallpapers for iPhone come in a variety of colors and designs each of which add a unique look to your home screen. Once you have turned on reduce transparency option you can apply the wallpaper and it will hide the dock as you use it. Important: For these wallpapers to work their magic you have to turn on the reduce transparency feature of your device by going to Settings -> Accessibility -> Display & Text Size -> Reduce Transparency -> ON. These wallpapers work with all models of iPhones, so no matter if you have the X, XS, XS Max or XR you can use these unique wallpapers to hide your iPhone’s dock. We are constantly working to offer you the best Wallpapers and Backgrounds. We hope you love our collection of Images and Photos, and we hope you enjoy the wallpapers to use as a desktop wallpaper and a wallpaper for your phone.
The dock row will look similar to how normal rows look without any background. All 4k, HD iPhone XS Max Wallpapers and Background Images are available for free to download. When the dock background is hidden with these tricky wallpapers you will only see floating icons. On the surface these wallpaper images look like any normal wallpaper image, however when you apply them they magically hide the dock background, creating a minimalistic look for the home screen. What makes these particular wallpapers special is their ability to hide the dock on newer iPhones running iOS 15. If you are tired of looking at the boring old floating dock of your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 12 or iPhone 11, then you can hide the iPhone dock with these wallpapers.